Make uTorrent 2.2.1 work it's BEST for you (tweak the settings)

slash ProDanceCulture 2 days ago / post 78030
I know many of us use uTorrent 2.2.1 cause it was the last version before they started making drastic changes that eventually brought us to the overly bloated and sometimes outright erroneous version 3+... and so while searching for Bencode Editor earlier to mess with my utorrent's torrent db, i have also come across this reddit post by reddit user hugeaurorafan. Since usually nobody wants to follow external links, i will copy the most important stuff here, but please, feel free to peruse the whole instructions... this would actually be a great help to all the new users who are super excited to find TM and about to embark on a 1000-torrents download.. Funny, after applying most of the settings i yet didn't have enabled, I even scrambled 20% more download speed while uploading at about 75% of my max.

hugeaurorafan wrote:

  • diskio.coalesce_write_size 16777216
  • diskio.coalesce_writes true
  • diskio.max_write_queue 128
  • diskio.sparse_files true (SSD only)
  • diskio.use_partfile true (SSD only)

    For the last 2, use a SSD, make sure Pre-allocate all files is unchecked (on the Preferences->General tab). If you have only one disk and it's spinning, set them false and have Pre-allocate checked.

    Disk cache:

  • Check Override automatic cache size and enter 1024.
  • Uncheck Reduce memory usage.
  • Check Enable caching of writes.
  • Uncheck Write Out untouched.
  • Check Write out finished pieces immediately.
  • Check Enable caching of disk read.
  • Check Turn off read caching if upload slow.
  • Check Remove old blocks.
  • Check Increase automatic when thrashing.
  • Check Disable Windows caching of disk writes.
  • Check Disable Windows caching of disk reads.

    Sequential transfers:

    Have no torrents selected. Press and hold Shift and F2 simultaneously. Keep holding them down and click the Settings button. //FROM SLASH: IMAGINE, THIS WAS NEWS FOR ME, HIDDEN SETTINGS]//

    These now appear in the Advanced settings list. Change to:

  • bt.sequential_download true
  • bt_sequential_files true

    Also change the following if you want to view a video while it downloads:

  • bt.prio_first_last_piece true
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