Upload Speed, page 1

(user gone) on March 6th, 2007 / post 16800
My router is configured as I'm downloading Dj Migas, Usual Suspect Bro-Pure Senses @ tribalmixes radio-5-March-2007 at 350kb/s, but only uploading at 3.8kb/s. I will keep uploading this as long as possible. Please help as I normally have upload speeds 50kb/s > and I don't want to ruin the experience for others. Thank you in advance.
arnanivip D-Formation Gue on March 6th, 2007 / post 16814
sbovisjb1 wrote:
My router is configured as I'm downloading Dj Migas, Usual Suspect Bro-Pure Senses @ tribalmixes radio-5-March-2007 at 350kb/s, but only uploading at 3.8kb/s. I will keep uploading this as long as possible. Please help as I normally have upload speeds 50kb/s > and I don't want to ruin the experience for others. Thank you in advance.

sometimes this happenes when thier is alot of seeders and only 4 or 5 dloading so u upload with low speed
(user gone) on March 6th, 2007 / post 16843
Thanks a lot. The songs I got will last me for a while, so I will try to see until I'm 1:1.
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