HELP ME, page 1

(user gone) on January 25th, 2006 / post 1489
I improved torrent, but do not seem to work. Why? A download was not made more, too. Because is a favorite site thank you. I do not understand English very much.sorry
(user gone) on January 25th, 2006 / post 1495
Where out off NAT??
(user gone) on January 26th, 2006 / post 1528
nat is OK
ucef user on January 27th, 2006 / post 1583
do we enable nat or disable it, i have router connection
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Commissarlightning Leopard on January 27th, 2006 / post 1603

that will help you if you use router
(user gone) on January 28th, 2006 / post 1643
When I upload Torrent and become a seeder
Is a number of an opening port fixed?
ucef user on January 28th, 2006 / post 1645
when i open a torrent to seed it , connectibility is yes
but upload and download is 0.0 kb/s
is ths a matter ?
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coldasice da cold man on January 29th, 2006 / post 1673
yep I'm quite confused about all that forwarding ports stuff :P When I dwl program from that site ane turn it on NAT error disapeared, but now it's here again :P
ucef user on January 29th, 2006 / post 1692
i configured my NAT inorder to except incomming ports , but its so slow the uploading % downloading
i ve been seeding a torrent for a week , and it didnt give me any result
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coldasice da cold man on January 29th, 2006 / post 1695
ucef wrote:
i configured my NAT inorder to except incomming ports , but its so slow the uploading % downloading
i ve been seeding a torrent for a week , and it didnt give me any result

maybe it was a dead torrent :P
ucef user on January 29th, 2006 / post 1699
how do i know it's a dead torrent, instead there r  9 seeders
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