Simplicity Sets, page 1

IB1starvip Moving Biology on April 24th, 2008 / post 25039
Hi Everyone,

I Like the 'simple minds' way of understanding because simplicity is a nice base/foundation to understand what @ first may seem more complex.

So with that in mind it would be cool for any recomendations of sets/mix's that are easy on the mind.

Usually Minimal falls nicely into this category though any other genre could be adapted to suit a lighter way of hearing life.  :whistle:

These kind of sets/mix's will have variety and allternate tempo.Just like life a mix should not be 120 bpm for a hour because that would not be a natural pace to keep up to.

So nice gentle build ups leading up to some big beats then gently slowing down towards some nice chillout then possibly building back up once more depending on the set length.

Variety,simplicity and sets In 'Track' with a healthy way of life.

Music is physics brought to life with biology.
IB1starvip Moving Biology on April 26th, 2008 / post 25072
Thanks & much appreciated
Music is physics brought to life with biology.
Antantalightning blow on August 12th, 2008 / post 26593
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