Tribes of Eden, Glenn Jr - Original Track (Hope you like it), page 1

(user gone) on September 2nd, 2008 / post 26811
Hello everyone! This is my first post in the forum. I was out searching for places to promote my upcoming track. It's tribal-like, so naturally I found here. Guess this isn't exactly a "Tribal House" forum, but I suppose there might be some people interested.

For those who are.....

Tribes of Eden is my latest installment of electronic tribal infused beats.  In addition to my original mix, there are four remixes by....

D.G.Xx & DJ Paulo Leite  


Arca & Notalez

Yvan Finzi

....all of whom are very talented artists in their own right. IMHO

Release date is set for September 12, exclusively at

For samples/preview of the track, please check out ------->

(There's a lot of Chinese on the page, I know....but just click the arrow next to the track name. Music player will pop up.)

That's it! Hope you like the track. I'd love to hear some feedback, as this producing thing is relatively new for me.

And my other two releases, Tribal Journey and Breaking In EP, are available for download at:

Best to all,
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