Just Curious about New Users Joining, page 1

(user gone) on May 17th, 2006 / post 4984

Correct if I am wrong, I just read the main page, it says the site will soon be closed to public? so it is gonna be only for the current users and if new users need to join how will that happen.  

Or I could totally read the main page news section wrong and I am at fault.


slash ProDanceCulture on May 18th, 2006 / post 4998
it will not happen really soon, see right now daily 60-70 new users come here, but even more are deleted for inactivity, so total is even decreasing a little bit... anyways, when public registration is closed, there will be invite system, power users will have 5 invites, users - 2 invites or something like this, so then people will bring other people, and will be kind of responsible for them..
Commissarlightning Leopard on May 18th, 2006 / post 5000
slash wrote:
anyways, when public registration is closed, there will be invite system, power users will have 5 invites, users - 2 invites or something like this, so then people will bring other people, and will be kind of responsible for them..

I like the invite system as it achieve the main idea of a closed community with many people know each other :)
(user gone) on May 23rd, 2006 / post 5158
I do see what you mean - yeah the invite system is kinda cool though...
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