Anyone useing BTSYNC??, page 1

nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 12th, 2014 / post 66079
I like the decentrialised way it works and the ability to share data pretty easy across platforms.

Sync my new mixes from my pc to my phone with a simple QR code scan.

Im a bit of a nerd to i've been developing against their api, there is potential there fro some disruptive applications to be built.

Anyone else using it?
the machine turns and the sound flow...
munkynstar Moderator on October 12th, 2014 / post 66084
nibzo1 wrote:
I like the decentrialised way it works and the ability to share data pretty easy across platforms.

Sync my new mixes from my pc to my phone with a simple QR code scan.

Im a bit of a nerd to i've been developing against their api, there is potential there fro some disruptive applications to be built.

Anyone else using it?

yes I use between hosts and my phone (watch folders for rtorent and tranmission in two separate locations) along with listening to vast amounts of TM music... its a great comobo with to decentralize every part of your life! :yes:
nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 12th, 2014 / post 66085
yea the new owncloud is quite good, its set up on old laptop hidden away in a mess of network cables. The interface is pretty handy for organising files

I use subsonic with a different front end to play my music from a webserver while in work. BTSync does a great job of getting my music into the library with little effort.
the machine turns and the sound flow...
munkynstar Moderator on October 12th, 2014 / post 66086
Indeed owncloud does the job..only problem for me is that I have it on a 6 year old Asus eee box which is not the fastest cat in the box...thankfully moving it to faster h/w... Subsonic looks the ticket and definintely something I would consider, cheers for the recommendation!! :yes:
nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 12th, 2014 / post 66087
aye its good app, it has done me and a few others well for several years. Got some cheap server hosting with a massive disk & it works a treat. The RSS feed downloader is great for DJ podcasts.

if you ever set it up check out this front end Jamstash the static files can be served from a web server. Its a better user interface then subsonic.

Its great there is so much useful software around to assist us with enjoying our TM mixes
the machine turns and the sound flow...
munkynstar Moderator on October 12th, 2014 / post 66089
nibzo1 wrote:
aye its good app, it has done me and a few others well for several years. Got some cheap server hosting with a massive disk & it works a treat. The RSS feed downloader is great for DJ podcasts.

if you ever set it up check out this front end the static files can be served from a web server. Its a better user interface then subsonic.

Its great there is so much useful software around to assist us with enjoying our TM mixes

Aye indeed.. installed the packages from the debian repo quickly on my Pi...obviously not upto the job, however once I move my xbmc instance off it... onto something like this.. with some tasty ssds...will more than do the job I think.... :yes:
nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 12th, 2014 / post 66091
ive always had it on a machine with a few GB of ram. never tried it on the pi. have a couple of them too their great for little projects. i tried xbmc on it when rasbmc first appeared but i found the menus a bit slow. my mate uses it now with the latest version and it seems way snappier.

That NUC box looks the job, the SSD will make will make a massive difference, first time I put one in my PC i was sold. You would have a deadly media centre with that, plenty of power. You could even get a few games on it like the old xBox xbmc back in the day.

ive XBMC running on one of these, mainly because of the IR port and Optical audio out.
the machine turns and the sound flow...
jonstar psyops technics on October 13th, 2014 / post 66092
nibzo1 wrote:
I like the decentrialised way it works and the ability to share data pretty easy across platforms.

Sync my new mixes from my pc to my phone with a simple QR code scan.

Im a bit of a nerd to i've been developing against their api, there is potential there fro some disruptive applications to be built.

Anyone else using it?

I sync PC->computer, just as you do. Two way, so everything I take off on the PC side gets removed and vice versa.  It's excellent.  I wish it would allow you to remotely access files without sync'g, but that's the only thing it's missing.  When I need to flip files to friends, I now use BTSync as well.

When not using BTSync, the only third party cloud sync I use is Wuala, as it's encrypted on client side, so much so that even filenames are not known to LaCie.  It's also a very well written offering, including a W drive that allows direct access to files in the cloud.  Means you can run Wuala on a friend's PC, access your files, and when you log-out nothing is left behind.
nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 13th, 2014 / post 66096
It can always be handy to have the files available when your on the web somewhere else.

Quote: I wish it would allow you to remotely access files without sync'g,

Interesting you mention this, I spotted this as a limitation and Im currently working on a solution to get around this. My main OS is linux and btsync has a web based UI on this platform. Ive mimiked the UI using angularjs and the BTSYNC api. Tried to implement all the features and add some additional ones like sync folder browsing. The next thing on the development list is to get access to the files through my web interface.

I was thinking of running a lightweight nodejs instance on the same machine as btsync  to list the directories and cross reference them with the folder list in btsync api. Im a little bit off development completion as this is a side project....but one day.
the machine turns and the sound flow...
kutodolightning tribalmixr on October 29th, 2014 / post 66310
i head that btsync use a lot of cpu/ram so you need good hardware.
munkynstar Moderator on October 29th, 2014 / post 66316
kutodo wrote:
i head that btsync use a lot of cpu/ram so you need good hardware.

No not at all, I run one of my btsync machines on a Pi, does the job more than ample!
nibzo1 mixmuncher on October 30th, 2014 / post 66330
it runs on of these and it runs great. there is 4tb of SATA storage and ive never had an issue.
the machine turns and the sound flow...
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