post your requests here - we'll find anything!, page 33

roblol user on August 6th, 2014 / post 65397
I can't find Above & Beyond's Essential Mix live from Privilege Ibiza from august 2nd 2014, i know it was just a couple days ago but i must have this to download!
Masterslicelightning Nothing special on August 7th, 2014 / post 65400
roblol wrote:
I can't find Above & Beyond's Essential Mix live from Privilege Ibiza from august 2nd 2014, i know it was just a couple days ago but i must have this to download!

It was easy to find here:
Take this one..  ;-)
Saxyness user on February 2nd, 2015 / post 66833
Hi guys! I'm looking for Old James Zabiela Sets from 2005-2009 kiss100 or anything very Banging and special!! :))
viktordarabos user on April 4th, 2015 / post 67198
Hey guys! I cant find anywhere this mix, please help me! Thank you! :-)

Springa user on April 6th, 2015 / post 67205
Hey, Will last weeks A state of Trance 707 be uploaded??

mohamedbashastar Little Death on April 9th, 2015 / post 67219
Hey springa, Other than the torrents section. if you hover your mouse over it, you will find scene releases you can look in there for sets you did not find on the main page.

Here is the link you are looking for
La petite mort
Hubogulist user on May 13th, 2015 / post 67390
Searched all over and only found these in poor quality Soundcloud or Youtube. There don't seem to be seeders on the torrents here. Any better quality files available?

Essential Mix - Steve Bug 2009-08-15
Essential Mix - Markus Schulz 2008-12-06
Essential Mix - John Digweed 2010-05-29
Sasha and Hernan Cattaneo's sets from Moonpark 2003

Much appreciated!
moocowdanstarratio-free downloads Mid Tempo Bounc on May 13th, 2015 / post 67391
Hubogulist wrote:
Searched all over and only found these in poor quality Soundcloud or Youtube. There don't seem to be seeders on the torrents here. Any better quality files available?

Essential Mix - Steve Bug 2009-08-15
Essential Mix - Markus Schulz 2008-12-06
Essential Mix - John Digweed 2010-05-29
Sasha and Hernan Cattaneo's sets from Moonpark 2003

Much appreciated!

change your search to "exact match + details" - a drop down box on the right of the search area.

Although i haven't searched these files i am sure they will be active in packs which i am sharing.
moocowdanstarratio-free downloads Mid Tempo Bounc on May 13th, 2015 / post 67392
Hubogulist user on May 13th, 2015 / post 67395
Thanks for the fast reply moocowdan.

The Hernan set was what I really wanted to find so thanks again. I found Digweed 2010 using your search. I found Steve Bug 2009 elsewhere, but not on this site.

I still can't find Markus 2008. Searching  "Markus Schulz essential mix" with exact match + details turns up only a dead torrent i found earlier, and even keyword + details doesn't have it. Any ideas?
fb1434178186891315 user on July 14th, 2015 / post 67812
Please help!

Trying to find Frank-Haag-Live-at-Korrekt-Unikorn-ADE-Special-SBD-10-19-2011

One of my favourite mixes! Deleted it by mistake.

Thanks in advance!
Hubogulist user on September 9th, 2015 / post 68182
Looking for Lindstrom & Prins Thomas Essential Mix 2007-05-06.

I found it in the 2007 Megapack, but there are no seeders. Anyone know where else I can grab this?
Seraiel Fanatic on September 9th, 2015 / post 68185
slash wrote:
Quote: Hey guys
I'm looking for Marco Remus livesets. PLS somebody help meee:)

hey, i've got 1 set from last years MayDay, so i'm gonna upload it on the website.

and one more thing. please start new topic if you want to request something, it is easier.

Yes, plz upload it and also anything you may have from Westbam too :) :


And if you could upload anything from "Sascha Funke" , I'd be very thankful. There are some things in the net from him, I'd upload them myself, but I'll still be busy with uploading everything of James Holden for weaks, and I'm also a total n00b with audio-programs, so I wouldn't even know how to capture a stream. He'd be a great addition to this site, his music is really exellent.
Dragoss91 user on November 19th, 2015 / post 68812
RPO records session 2-january-2009 (frisky radio)

Anyone ? :)
milan75016star user on May 24th, 2016 / post 69552
lemon8 -may 5.2016 :no:
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