i have a big problem please any body help me, page 1

(user gone) on July 9th, 2006 / post 7272
i have a trouble in incresing my ratio so i have to seed my downloads .... so i have lost all my downloads, how can i fix my ratio without seeding these downloads ?
gwendevip shinelikestars on July 9th, 2006 / post 7277
why don't you want to seed the torrents you've downloaded ? i know of two options to get your ratio back up and that is either seeding , or make a donation to the site , read the F.A.Q about it .

viktor1983vip V.I.P. on July 9th, 2006 / post 7281
waelalaa wrote:
i have a trouble in incresing my ratio so i have to seed my downloads .... so i have lost all my downloads, how can i fix my ratio without seeding these downloads ?

fix your ratio without seeding? donate! that's the only way fixing it without seeding. but how did you managed to lose your downloads? why have you downloaded those sets, if you simply lose them? or are you talking about your download rights? then simply check faq/rules.


venitstarlightning Power User on July 9th, 2006 / post 7290
Now you have only one choise, donate :D
Ant after that allways leave your downloaded files to seed them  :cool:
viktor1983vip V.I.P. on July 9th, 2006 / post 7294
venit wrote:
Now you have only one choise, donate :D
Ant after that allways leave your downloaded files to seed them  :cool:

that's why you have to do these things before signing up:

  • i have read the site rules page.
  • i agree to read the faq before asking questions.
  • I am at least 13 years old.
  • I did read policy on my ratio and understand what I need to do to keep it above listed values!

    it seems most of the users simply check these checkboxes, but doesn't do anything for their own good.
  • you cannot post in this forum.
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