sig corner

Sonyman ... on July 5th, 2006 / post 7002
some days ago i went to a friend. he plays starcraft, mostly on PGT, and while he was making a post on the oficial forum i saw that all the players registered there have as signature images from all domains created in photoshop. unfortunatelly, i noticed that here no one uses to make signatures, so i've decided to open this topic, there's a begining for everything.  :-D so, i tried to make a sig but i'm not good in photoshop, first time i used it was when i created that banners for the [e]browser  :-) that's why i opened this topic, for fun, if you have knowledges in this program don't be shy to share it to us  :lol:. also, all of you can present their sigs and we can also give marks, only if you are interested in this domain and you want to share us your sigs  :-P. like i said, i'm totally n00b in photoshop, but i found a tutorial, and i made my first sig. if you know any tutorials, share them here plz  ;-) i'm sure that all want to learn more and more in this domain. i hope that you will be interested in this domain and you will share here your creations or any tutorials. this is the link of the tutorial i used to make the sig: .
slash ProDanceCulture on July 7th, 2006 / post 7182
this is a good idea, i think too. signatures not only can be used to represent yourself, but to present someone else, as i did.. :) the good thing is very many of my comments in torrents or forum posts will have this signature..and all will see.. anyways, some people already set up all the new things. some put up nice signatures. hope we'll see more. :)
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