Status Queued: what does this mean?

Leatitiastarlightning Licking on May 21st, 2005 / post 59
At the moment all the torents that I'm seeding have Status Queued. Can someone please explain to me what this means? And if I have to do something to change it. Thanks.
(user gone) on May 21st, 2005 / post 60
I think that's mean something like "waiting " - not started yet and waiting to be started you can force it by yourself ..I think...but I'm not sure ( I`m not good in this programs ...I saw same status in Kazaa) :rolleyes:
(user gone) on May 22nd, 2005 / post 61
go to preferences (depends on BT client) and increase the number of simultaniously uploads....or trafic or ....etc means it reached the maximum dl,ul,traffic, ... regarding your settings.
Off course the other side (receiver) can cause a queud status too.
(user gone) on May 22nd, 2005 / post 62
you can also try right clicking on the files in your bittorent program and click start
(user gone) on May 22nd, 2005 / post 63
Maximus wrote:
you can also try right clicking on the files in your bittorent program and click start

yeah that's what I mean :lol:
(user gone) on May 22nd, 2005 / post 65
i think the problem behind that is lack of seethers/leechers
correct me if i m wrong:)
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