received a hit-n-run message

(user gone) on January 24th, 2006 / post 1388

i've just received a hit-n-run message. well i'm using uTorrent 1.4 and i have some troubles with it. i've downloaded some torrents and as i did before i didnt removed them from the list and let them there for seed. for some reasons 90% of them dissapeared from the list. how can i repair this ?

please help.

(user gone) on January 24th, 2006 / post 1389
i must mention that all my .torrent files were saved in my folder D:\UTIL\Torrents , same folder were the mp3 files are saved too, but after the downloads have been finished i moved the mp3 files/folders to D:\Mp3

is this the reason i cant seed the files ?

slash ProDanceCulture on January 24th, 2006 / post 1390
yes, it is the only reason.
(user gone) on January 24th, 2006 / post 1435
i promise i will fix this tonight. i'll move back all the files
Leatitiastarlightning Licking on January 24th, 2006 / post 1440
teraphy wrote:
i promise i will fix this tonight. i'll move back all the files

I'm not sure about this, but I think its easier if you just point your torrents to the new place where you stored the files.
(user gone) on January 25th, 2006 / post 1444
i dont know how to do that in uTorrent, to point them. i fixed the issue , i've moved back the files were they've been previously copied. as you can see 39 files are ready for seed now...sorry for my mistake. hope i have my warning removed :D
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