hit and run

(user gone) on January 27th, 2006 / post 1569
hi, today is arrived a message which said i made a HIT-N-RUN, because i removed a torrent, but it's not true, cause this torrent it's still seeding, so i'd like to receive an answer
slash ProDanceCulture on January 27th, 2006 / post 1570
hit and run on this torrent https://www.tribalmixes.com/download.php?id=2743 - you are not seeding it. and haven't since downloaded 15 hours ago.
slash ProDanceCulture on January 27th, 2006 / post 1571
also please note, that all your hit and runs will be removed and zeroed out if your ratio even raises to 1.00 or higher. so seed and you will be noticed.
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