How to upload?

(user gone) on June 20th, 2005 / post 161
I tried uploading and it failed.  What could i be doing wrong?
slash ProDanceCulture on June 20th, 2005 / post 162
Taj116 wrote:
I tried uploading and it failed.  What could i be doing wrong?

:rofl: ... how the hell would anyone know if only you've been there at the moment... :D

anyways, what did happen? what did website tell you when you've pressed 'upload' button? and did you make new torrents?
(user gone) on June 20th, 2005 / post 163
I just didnt know what torrent file and nfo file means.  I dont even know what the word torrent means..... so, yes, no, maybe so.  I dont freakin know what im doin, but i have a lot of cool sets that arent up on this site yet, so i need help.
slash ProDanceCulture on June 21st, 2005 / post 165
a lot of things are explained in the faq and links menu options on the left. you should read that searching for something you need and try to realize what is bit-torrent is all about. and then you'll be ready to upload and such.
househouselightning Power User on December 27th, 2007 / post 23232
i failed too...i don`t konw what was the problem but i don`t want to try again  :no:
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